Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Beyond the State

An otherwise dormant site posts a Badiou lecture: "Is the Word 'Communism' Forever Doomed?"

The lecture was given on Thursday, November 6, 2008 in New York.

Two interesting things in Badiou's biography, probably written by someone else:
  1. "For many years a Maoist, [Badiou] remains a committed political activist." A transition, then - from 'committed' Maoist 'activist' (presumably) to 'committed political activist'. Is there no neat name for his current position?
  2. Zizek's endorsement of Badiou: "His work aims at the very heart of politically correct radical intellectuals, undermining the foundations of their mode of life!" I suspect his work would be deeply boring and insular if he only aimed at this. Zizek is reading into Badiou a rather more Zizekian concern, no? Or is Zizek just being ironic? All those loaded terms....

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